Invite the neighBOOurs

Get started by sharing the idea with your neighbours & encouraging them to join in, no matter how big or small they want to go with their decorations. Even if everyone in the neighbourhood were to have a pumpkin out on their front-step, that would be a lovely show display community spirit!
Get in touch with your neighbours by setting up a WhatsApp, Facebook or email group and asking them all to join, or by passing a flyer through their letterboxes. Flyers are particularly useful for people who are not online.

Get decorating!

There are loads of brilliant, creative ways to make your own decorations for your halloween house:
Carving a pumpkin is a great place to start!
Why not put a spooky-spin on our DIY bunting?
If you have a front garden, create your own ghoulish graveyard scene
Use some black and white craft paper to make scary eyes to peer out of your windows

Say Hello-ween to your neighbours!

Once your community is kitted out for Halloween, say a socially distanced hello-ween to your neighbours! You’ve all put in the work and collaborated on something frightfully fun for the whole community to enjoy.