What You Need:

  • Santa
  • A few friendly faces
  • A sleigh (bike, car or trailer)
  • Some fairy lights or way markers
  • Christmas music (a speaker or live carolling)


Invite the neighbours to join in

Get started by inviting your neighbours, friends and family to join the festivities and stand outside their homes or in a prominent area of your community (like the green or square).
Get in touch with your neighbours by setting up a WhatsApp, Facebook or email group and asking them to join.

Organise Santa’s route

Create a map of the areas Santa will pass through to send round to your neighbours or place way markers along the route using signs or fairy lights

Pick your favourite carols

Singing can bring a group of people together unlike anything else. While the kids are getting their socially distanced photos with Santa, why not choose some christmas song favourites to sing.
If you’re feeling extra prepared, print out a few lyrics sheets to pass around

Gather together and enjoy the Christmas cheer

This time of year can be particularly difficult for some members of our communities and this year especially we need to look out for one another. Bring your neighbourhood together with this simple act of Christmas cheer.